
Sub Fusc

No that's not a bad word out here in England. It's what we wear for finals. Yes you can see to the left Pierce and myself all 'suited' up for our exams. We've finished 4 and there are 2 to go tomorrow. And yes if you look closely you can see a little facial hair. Tomorrow after exams we're taking a "Mustache Sub Fusc" picture with all participants. Oh the joys.


Coach Simpson passes away

Mark Simpson, the golf coach for the University of Colorado (1977-2005) passed away last night. I received an e-mail from a dear friend and mentor, Jerry Gibson today at 7:20 GMT. Mon, 5 Dec 2005 14:20:29 EST
Dear Mike, I just learned Mark Simpson went to be with Jesus last night. Love Ya. Jerry Gibson I Thess. 4:13ff;Psalms 30:5,11
Coach was an excellent man. He impacted so many through the years. I am grieved to know he has died but rejoice to know he's in a better place. We send our love and prayers to his family.

Here is a link to an article written by a journalist for the Denver Post days before he passed away.


And below is the link to the CU Buffs website that has a little history on Coach.



Yes, 70-3 hurts but the Buffs will be back

This weekend Colorado Buffalo fans around the world took a shot to the gut. I'm sure it was more difficult to watch than refresh the score on the internet from England. I couldn't refresh fast enough ... I think there were two or three times 2 touchdowns were scored before the computer knew what happened. Yes, the CU football program has taken a hit these last few years, but we will bounce back. We will recover. For all those All-American 16, 17 & 18 year old football players reading this -- sign at CU now. National Championship in 2007. Go Buffs! And for those recruits that can't remember the good old days ... check out the cover of this SI. Just google "the catch" and "colorado" or "westbrook"