
Oxford Blues Golf Picture: Bufty Style

The 2005-2006 Oxford Blues Golf Team
Back row (left to right): Michael Canty, Michael McFadden, Stuart Baird, D.J. Stewart, Simon Jones, David F.M. Ferreria, Mason Grower Front row (left to right): Thomas A. Smith, Gareth O. Jones, Michael Gray, Philip Bickerton


How I Work - March 20, 2006 - CNNMoney

A good article on how a dozen "super-achievers" stay ahead in the fast lane. How I Work - March 20, 2006 I'm not sure of the sustainability of running in the fast lane too long, but in the short term we might as well be smart about it. Enjoy ... but not for too long, others might pass you by :-) Cheers, Mike


Alex English Summary

For those unfamilar with Alex English, I thought I'd enlighten you on one of the best NBA players of all time.
"Alex English was the NBA's most prolific scorer during the 1980s and retired as the seventh-leading scorer with 25, 613 points. After being underutilized by the Milwaukee Bucks and the Indiana Pacers during his first four years in the league, English became the most explosive member of a high-powered Denver Nuggets team that consistently ranked among the league's top-scoring clubs."
NBA.com: Alex English Summary And for those that are not coming to France for the MBA Olympics, you will miss out on the European Alex English:


Trinity Term Quotes

I wanted to share a few memorable quotes thus far in Trinity Term. Some I remember who said it and others I had scribbled in my little green book with no person identified. Apologies.
"Time in business is risk" -Guy Hands, Founder and CEO, Terra Firma
"Buy well, sell well, and don't screw it up in the middle" - Chris Woodhouse, CFO Debenhams, on working for private equity backed companies "What can go right? What can go wrong? What can be done to increase the probablity of it going right or reduce the probability of it going wrong?" -Questions to ask during an entrepreneurial venture "People who solve problems must somehow first arrive at the belief that they can solve problems." -How to Change The World, a social entrepreneurial book "Wisdom is supreme, therefore get wisdom. Though it cost all you have, get understanding." -Proverbs 4:7 "Do you do what you're best at every day?" "Be ruthless in selecting companies to work for. Be ruthless in selecting the right people to come work for you." (and expect the same)